[Download 34+] Antena Rig Mobil Larsen
Get Images Library Photos and Pictures. G0KSC - Simple to build, High Performance Yagi and Quad Antennas - Home of the LFA Yagi - 28MHz 4el LFA Yagi Spiral loop VR2XMQ - Steve's Blog AF through SHF: Simple Quarter Wave Ground Plane. 10sd156 Leon Guanajuato Mexico: DIAGRAMAS DE ANTENAS

. 10sd156 Leon Guanajuato Mexico: DIAGRAMAS DE ANTENAS 10sd156 Leon Guanajuato Mexico: DIAGRAMAS DE ANTENAS 10sd156 Leon Guanajuato Mexico: DIAGRAMAS DE ANTENAS
10sd156 Leon Guanajuato Mexico: DIAGRAMAS DE ANTENAS
10sd156 Leon Guanajuato Mexico: DIAGRAMAS DE ANTENAS

10sd156 Leon Guanajuato Mexico: DIAGRAMAS DE ANTENAS
________________________________________________________ L'antenna LONG WIRE (o beverage) è una antenna funzionale, economica e facile da realizzare, ideale per chi si interessa alle trasmissioni in HF (onde corte). La constuzione di una Long Wire e' abbastanza semplice e veloce, infatti l'antenna e' costituita principalmente da un LUNGO FILO (...) lungo più o meno dai 10 ai 50 metri con la sola aggiunta di un adattatore sulla linea di discesa verso il TRX. L'antenna forma...
VR2XMQ - Steve's Blog AF through SHF: A V~UHF Moxon Yagi
10sd156 Leon Guanajuato Mexico: DIAGRAMAS DE ANTENAS
10sd156 Leon Guanajuato Mexico: DIAGRAMAS DE ANTENAS
blog radio radioascolto radioamatori associazione air
G0KSC - Simple to build, High Performance Yagi and Quad Antennas - Home of the LFA Yagi - 28MHz 4el LFA Yagi
10sd156 Leon Guanajuato Mexico: DIAGRAMAS DE ANTENAS
10sd156 Leon Guanajuato Mexico: DIAGRAMAS DE ANTENAS
Homebrew 144 MHz Coaxial Dipole Antenna
10sd156 Leon Guanajuato Mexico: DIAGRAMAS DE ANTENAS
10sd156 Leon Guanajuato Mexico: DIAGRAMAS DE ANTENAS
10sd156 Leon Guanajuato Mexico: DIAGRAMAS DE ANTENAS
Some Amateur Radio stations use high power 1500 Watt transmitters to bounce signals off the moon reflecting back to earth however others make worldwide contacts using low power 5 Watt transmitters to test their operating skills in long distance communications. Radio is a diverse hobby with many interesting facets -- CW, SSB, digital modes, satellites, etc. My interests are in building HF, VHF and UHF antennas with operation in digital modes under 20 Watts. I live in a deed restricted communit...
10sd156 Leon Guanajuato Mexico: DIAGRAMAS DE ANTENAS
10sd156 Leon Guanajuato Mexico: DIAGRAMAS DE ANTENAS
VR2XMQ - Steve's Blog AF through SHF: 70cm Vertical Antenna.
10sd156 Leon Guanajuato Mexico: DIAGRAMAS DE ANTENAS
VR2XMQ - Steve's Blog AF through SHF: Simple Quarter Wave Ground Plane.
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